
Who we are / Report

SARTU’s 2008 Report

SARTU’s 2010 Report

Presented below is a preview of the annual report for 2010 for the Sartu Federation and the four associations of which it is comprised.

The information below refers, on the one hand, to the quantitative data regarding the number of persons dealt with by the four associations making up the Federation, and, on the other hand, the activities undertaken throughout this year, taking account of the defined areas of activity, the places in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (CAPV) in which we have carried this activity out, and the number of persons we have worked with there.

With regard to the data on the number of persons we have worked with this year, in addition to giving the figures for 2008, we consider it relevant of interest to also present those for 2007 and 2006 in order to put the data in perspective over time. In this way it is possible to see how we have progressed and to establish a comparison between the year in course and previous years.

We would now like to highlight some of these figures. There has been a further increase in the number of people receiving assistance, with a total participation of 7,635 persons in the projects executed by the associations forming part of Sartu.

The activities presented are classified by area of activity within the Sartu Federation structure. Each area of activity shows the activity and project specifications, in addition to the territorial distribution and the number of persons participating. We first highlight the considerable number of activities offered and, secondly, the extensive range of these activities and, finally, the fact that the entire CAPV territory is covered.

The increased territorial coverage for the various activities conducted by Sartu in the Basque Country implies important progress at a number of different levels:

Firstly, the Sartu services are brought closer to the population, thereby becoming more accessible: the services are offered increasingly closer to the places where people live, meaning greater accessibility to the services, avoiding the question of transport, saving time travelling. In short, access is easier. This is also important from the point of view of reconciling family and working life.

This territorial coverage also means an intervention which is better tailored to suit each specific territory: more specialised, given the fact that the specific characteristics of each zone are better covered, involving an improvement in the service provided jointly with the other services and actors intervening in the area. In short, improved co-ordination.

This closer proximity to each area, has allowed us to gain greater specialist knowledge of each area’s specific characteristics, thereby enabling Sartu to offer services that are more diverse, more specialised and more individualised. Each service is specifically designed for each area. The services offered are therefore customised, not only with regard to each person, offering each one the possibility of having his / her own individual process, but also with regard to the different territorial situations. Different territories have different social problems.

This, in part, has been possible due to the efforts made by Sartu to transfer what it has learned (methodologies, strategies, etc…) in the various European programs undertaken. These programs were initially experimental, but which Sartu has subsequently maintained as programs with justified and proven outcomes. With regard to 2008, we would highlight the implementation of a new European program, jointly with an entity in the Social Intervention Sector, the Peñascal Foundation.

This is a project which comes within the FSE Operational Program for the Basque Country 2007 – 2013 and which is called Gizarteratze Bideak eta Berdintasuna Sendotu. It comes within the Axis 2 program (Promote employability, social inclusion and equality between men and women) in measure 2.7 (propose inclusion opportunities for excluded persons and those at risk of exclusion from the labour market).

Over this year, we have developed a series of activities which are detailed in a specific section within this program. To provide a few details in advance, we have worked this year with 227 persons, 75% of which were women, with whom we have conducted 20 training actions, accounting for 1,750 hours.

Finally, we would point out that we have made every effort and used all our professionalism to continue to respond to personal needs, as each person deserves by right. We hope that the services they have been offered by the SARTU Program have led to a significant improvement in their personal situations. This is what we have endeavoured to do with all our efforts, all our hopes and expectations and all our enthusiasm.

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