Promotion of the Economy with Alternative, Supportive and Socially Responsible Values

Much of our work would be pointless if it did not provide what the majority of people assisted are explicitly demanding: access to employment. At Sartu, we try and explore all possibilities available in our endeavour to help them achieve this, as we understand that this provides personal and social competencies, on the one hand, and stimulates and enriches the local area, on the other hand.

From this perspective, we believe that the Third Sector entities can and must help stimulate employment.. Together with the public and business institutions, the social initiative can also help enhance the visibility of the «personal capital» of many people who, without valuing the social cost involved, are excluded from the labour market for «reasons of competitiveness». We aim to generate value for people and businesses, by combining the needs of these people with those of local businesses.

At a personal level,, and as far as is required, we believe thatit is necessary to accompany and guide people at each step they take right up to their inclusion in the labour market: maintaining the level of motivation, strengthening habits, skills and competences in order to become self-employed or employed by others, and facilitating access to the normal channels of inclusion in the labour market. Along these lines, we provide support and tutoring directed at getting a job and keeping it.

Where intervention with businesses is concerned, we consider that it necessary to build bridges between the business context and social context, helping to bring people together, and proactively facilitating work participation opportunities. Our aim is to encourage companies to be committed to their local area, by offering ways of collaborating and developing Corporate Social Responsibility. In turn, we aim to convince the business world of the advantages of personnel management based on professional skills, tailored to the actual requirements of the specific jobs and tasks, that guarantee investment in personnel in the medium – long term, right from identification with the job and the coverage of a person’s expectations for professional development.

On the other hand, we believe that it is possible and necessary to experiment with other work structures, ones that are more socially responsible, that consider people to be their best asset and where the ultimate purpose is not profit sharing, but social contribution and personal growth by increasing the wealth of the local community.

Our aim is to make full use of all the resources made available to us by the various institutions, in order to achieve our objective of facilitating the occupational inclusion of all those persons at a social disadvantage.Detailed below are the types of activities carried out, and the specific reasons for doing so:

  1. 1.Job matching in the normal labour market and corporate social responsibility (CSR)

    We believe that there is a need to establish channels of communication between the social services area and employment possibilities, and that this should be done within a legal framework which will allow us to carry out job matching services to enable those people we are working with to be brought closer to existing job openings. That is why we are participating as a Collaborating Centre of the Basque Employment Service, managing job vacancies and applications.

    Our objective is to provide positive schemes to help those people at a social disadvantage, and to ensure that this mechanism is implemented within the Basque Job Service itself, in order to guarantee equal opportunities for each and everyone.

    With regard to the business world, our aim is to innvolve companies in a drive towards collaboration whereby, based on mutual trust, it will be possible to break with stereotypes and to facilitate the occupational inclusion of those people we are working with. This relationship is based on aspects such as involvement in the design of vocational course training contents in order to adapt to sector requirements, the possibility of jointly designing training processes with the commitment to recruitment, collaboration in the recruitment stage of Employment – Training Programs, for carrying out formal work practice at work centres, and support for job vacancy procedures for the recruitment of personnel: the regularisation of immigrants, support during the job adaptation process and monitoring of the person’s situation in the company. All with the aim of ensuring a relationship of mutual support to the benefit of persons and companies alike.

  2. Work experience in employment sectors and market niches with good future employment possibilities and / or the promotion of a business idea.

    This type of activity is related to the implementation of projects that permit work experience in order to carry out personalised training which will provide increased possibilities of employment in the future in the ordinary labour market. The purpose is to obtain real working experience in a flexible environment that will help reinforce attitudes and skills for remaining in a job in the medium to long term.

    The subsidies existing for this purpose allow us to recruit people for a period of between 6 to 12 months. During this space of time, in addition to trying to ensure that these people receive an educational and gratifying work experience (in co-ordination with the personal inclusion plan proposed by other entities and services), we analyse the viability of business projects in the sector and promote personal / group initiatives towards occupational inclusion, as either self-employed or working for others.

  3. 1.Business creation support

    On many occasions, getting a job involves implementing personal initiatives and ideas which need some type of support in order to ensure their viability.

    From this perspective, basically acting as a Collaborating Entity of the Public Employment Service, we implement activities relating to entrepreneurship and provide advice on the implementation of business ideas. These actions range from business management training to entrepreneurship awareness or individual advice and monitoring of each idea implemented.

    In some cases our support includes the provision of persons with business acumen who, with a social commitment and knowledge of management, help to start-up socially responsible business units.

    And, in all cases, we try to ensure that these initiatives are supported (if necessary) by financial tools that are specifically committed to this type of project, such as the ethical bank (Fiare)

  4. Creation of Insertion Companies

    We believe that it is essential to promote structures that allow us to address holistic insertion processes, in the context of a labour relation, which facilitates subsequent inclusion in the normal labour market and a general normalisation process for those people at a social disadvantage.

    We promote the creation of insertion companies and socially responsible businesses as instruments to facilitate the social and occupational inclusion of people in a situation of exclusion, developing effective and systematized inclusion processes. Support in the inclusion processes is one of the cornerstones of these companies, whose primary objective is to offer a path which will facilitate inclusion in the labour market.

    Our objective is to promote and participate in companies that contribute to social welfare through the generation of jobs and wealth. These companies show a commitment to a socially responsible economy. They take ownership of the values derived from the 6 principles of the «Carta Emprender» Charter for a Socially Responsible World.

1. Equality.Take fair account of the interests of all those persons taking part in the activities of a company or organisation.

2. Employment.Create stable jobs and promote access to employment of disadvantaged persons or those with few qualifications. Ensure that each person has decent working conditions and a decent salary, encouraging his / her personal development and ability to take responsibility.

3. Environment.Promote actions, products and production methods that respect the environment.

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